
Aamir Hussain (He/Him) is many things, North American from Canada, South Asian from Pakistan. A Muslim of the Shia denomination. A Father, Husband, Brother, and Son.

He also enjoys thinking and rambling about religion, politics, technology, and ttrpgs. All of which are very tedious topics for his family and friends. So this website might end up being an outlet so I can bother you, dear reader, with the ramblings instead.

Most importantly it's a place to track his journey in becoming a published author. His debut novel, "Under the Full and Crescent Moon" is scheduled to come out in Fall 2025.

He would find it flattering if you called him 'woke'.

He finds writing about himself in the third person to be very uncomfortable so he's going to stop doing that now.

This site was built on the land of the Anishinabewaki, Haudenosaunee, Attiwonderonk, and Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. #LandBack.