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Yet another medium appears

I've managed to make a number of changes to the site. The most important being a land acknowledgement, and the biggest being the launch of my newsletter!

That it already has 3 subscribers makes me really proud!

Of course all three are just various email addresses that I'm using for testing but... fake wins are still wins! Right?

Maybe I'm just taking the mantra of 'fake it till you make it' too far.

In any case, as I said in my last post, having a blog feels fundamentally different from other forms of online writing, and I suspect newsletters are going to be no exception. Each medium demands its own approach. I feel like I'll have succeeded in the format as long as I don't spam those interested in my work while still keeping them up to date.

If you are one of those fine people, then please head over to the home page, where hopefully the form is working! There's also a pop up from that hopefully is not very annoying and accomplishes the same objective. As always feedback is appreciated at any of my social feeds!

There is at least one more feature update that I wish to make before I consider the 'bones' of the site complete, but while I'm not really proud of having three fake subscribers to the newsletter, I am proud of getting this far in setting up my online presence.

A quick comment on 'pride' before I go... Humility is an incredibly important part of my faith and pride is the antithesis of that. How do I resolve this contradiction? Well for one, Islam teaches moderation, and even humility can be taken too far. I do not feel that we are being mentally healthy if we don't have confidence in our selves.

So, for me, when I feel proud, which honestly is rare as I do have a severe case of imposter syndrome, I try to think of it like so:

What I'm feeling isn't so much pride; it is a sense of thankfulness that I have been able to do justice, at least for a moment, to the talents that God has seen fit to give me.

Is that kosher? God only knows, but if it isn't then I can console myself in the knowledge that the God I believe in is a merciful one.

And to sign off, please keep praying for an end to the violence engulfing our world, and pushing for a Free Palestine, online, offline, everywhere that you can.

This site was built on the land of the Anishinabewaki, Haudenosaunee, Attiwonderonk, and Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. #LandBack.