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There are a lot of milestones that I'm looking forward to as a new author. Seeing the book in my local library or in a bookstore, holding it in my hands for the first time. I am incredibly grateful to have these events to look forward to Inshallah.

Two of those milestones have been reached this month. The first is preorders have opened for Canada and the United States, Alhamdulillah!

I would be really honoured if you could preorder it. The various options are on my link tree Here

The second is the cover reveal! Click on for more.

Three reasons we don't talk about Palestine

There's way more than three

The deathly silence that surrounds the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people has been to a significant degree dented since the 7th of October 2023, but, here in January 2025, more than fifteen months in, it has proven to be still resilient.

If we are fortunate enough to have a future in which honest histories get to be written, there will be volumes written about all of the reasons that the people of conscience in the West were not able to voice their condemnation of the genocide happening in the name of their values and with their tax dollars, let alone organize against it.

So there's way more than three reasons for the silence, but I feel the need to express my thoughts on why I feel so lonely when I'm wearing a kuffiyeh out in public in Canada and why the topic is so repelling to so many. I have three.

This site was built on the land of the Anishinabewaki, Haudenosaunee, Attiwonderonk, and Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. #LandBack.